My current philanthropic activities are

Humanitarian Aid Mark Benevolent Fund  |  Progressive Orders of Turkey

- Greek playwright Aeschylus coined the term philanthropy in the 5th century BCE.

It meant “love of humanity.” Today, philanthropy means generosity in all its forms and is often defined as giving gifts of “time, talent and treasure” to help make life better for other people.

I’ve actively worked in the refugee camps with UNHCR, the UN  Refugee Agency and the international humanitarian charities to provide and facilitate educational support to children 3 to 7 years old.

- No Lost Generation

No Lost Generation aims to expand access to education, increase psychosocial support, strengthen child protection, bolster social cohesion and promote peace building so that the children of Syria can build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

I’ve been helping to “No Lost Generation” initiative by the United Nations, international and non-governmental organizations, and governments, to alleviate the impact of the Syrian crisis on children’s learning and psychological wellbeing and address the potential long-term consequences for a generation of children and young people in Syria and neighbouring countries since 2012 to present date.

– Current philanthropic project I am working on in humanitarian aid as follows:

Providing support to protect children on the move by

preventing unsafe movement
reducing violence against children on the move
reducing children’s anxiety, depression and aggressive behaviour, and increasing hope for the future

Mark Benevolend Fund

The Mark Benevolent Fund came into existence in 1868 on the suggestion of the Reverend George Raymond Portal, Grand Master of the Mark. His views on charity were far more radical and progressive than the general thinking of the time. He felt that for charity to be effective it had to be disbursed swiftly and without the bureaucratic formalities of other Masonic charities. To him it was wrong for there to be any delay in providing assistance to those in need and his own Latin tag “Bis dat qui cito dat” – he gives twice who gives promptly – became, and still is, the principal guideline of the M.B.F.

I’m proud to support MBF since 2017. The MBF has disbursed many millions to individual petitioners and an even greater sum in grants to charities within the wider community. A major grant of £1.6m has been made to the RNLI help fund a new life boat, Addenbrooke’s Hospital Trust received over £2m for machines to help in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and a pledge of £2.6 million has been made to Hope for Tomorrow Cancer Charity for the purchase of mobile chemotherapy units throughout the UK. These projects can only be funded with your help and dedication to the fund.

Please click here to find more about MBF

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Progresif Masonluk Derneği

Progresif Masonluk Derneği is a legally constituted Turkish association in Freemasonry (with similar principles of HKEMBL) for Progressive Orders in Turkey.  We work to establish Progressive Orders in general but Mark Masonry in particular in Turkey.

Turkish Freemasonry is stuck between Craft Freemasonry and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The mission of Progressive Orders in Turkey is to give Brethren a wider choices and experiences for their daily advancements in less known orders of freemasonry.

Please click here to find more about Progressive Orders in Turkey

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